
Blizzard sues Chinese game developer that ‘almost entirely copied’ Warcraft - kellertherrom

Chinese game developer Sina Games has been reach with a lawsuit by Blizzard Entertainment that claims its free-to-play Empyrean Saga traced the World of Warcraft series (via Polygon).

Blizzard Entertainment filed the cause on August 16 for the 'serious and irreparable harm to Blizzard and its business', as Sina Games has 'most whole copied from the Warcraft games and related products' with Glorious Saga. In recompense, Blizzard would alike '$150,000 per infringed work,' including juristic fees and other 'just and appropriate' expenses.

'Every goliath, fauna, squirrel-like, and vehicle in the Infringing Game was copied from the Warcraft games,' the case states. 'Weapons, amulets, and other objects were arrogated straight from the Warcraft games, without pretense. Audio frequency cues and sound effects from the Warcraft games were reproduced for the Infringing Game.' Respected Saga — also known away its Western title of Glorious World — has allegedly upraised Warcraft names and likenesses such As Jaina Proudmoore, Illidan Stormrage, Grommash Hellscream, Gul'dan, and Malfurion.

Accordant to Blizzard's lawyers, Marc E. Mayer and Differentiate C. Humphrey from law of nature firm Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, Sina Games has 'profited handsomely' from copying the Warcraft games. Through this, it gained 'thousands of consumers' for its own real prison term strategy mobile statute title. Honestly, it doesn't look good for the Chinese plot company. The Glorious Saga picture in the App Store even looks oh-too-quasi to the Battle of Azeroth nontextual matter, with a gullible-velvety-skinned orc glaring at a hominid character.

Neither Blizzard Entertainment nor Sina Games have commented publicly on the case yet.

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